121 W. 27th Street 6th Floor Office Space
121 W. 27th Street 6th Floor Office Space - New Wood Flooring
121 W. 27th Street 6th Floor Office Space - Oversized Windows
121 W. 27th Street Office Space - Floorplan
121 W. 27th Street 6th Floor Office Space
121 W. 27th Street 6th Floor Office Space - New Wood Flooring
121 W. 27th Street 6th Floor Office Space - Oversized Windows
121 W. 27th Street Office Space - Floorplan


$ 6,942 /month

2,450 SF

Excellent value space in Chelsea Market, home to many up and coming tech companies. Space features five windows, all facing south; new wood flooring; high exposed ceilings; and tenant controlled window a/c units. The landlord will do a reasonable amount of buildout for the incoming tenant. The building is very convenient to Penn Station/LIRR, 239BDFQRN subway lines.

Listing Details

Listing 58705

Size: 2,450 SF Rent/SF: $ 34.00
Monthly Rent: $ 6,942 Lease Type: Direct
Available: 02/01/2024 Lease Term: 5/10 years
Suite/Floor: Partial 6th floor Address: 121 W. 27th Street


11′ Ceilings 24/7 Attended Lobby
Class B Building Exposed Ceilings
Front Space Key/Card Access 24/7
Landlord will Build to Suit Near Penn Station
Open Area Open Plan
Open Views White Box
Window Units Wood Floors

Listing Location & Nearby Public Transportation

Nearby Transportation

Important Information

Listings are presented for illustrative purposes only; they may no longer be available and are provided merely as an exemplary representation of the types of spaces in a given neighborhood for a given price.