Map view of a commercial real estate listing located at 225 Broadway in New York City.
Map view of a commercial real estate listing located at 225 Broadway in New York City.

AccountingFinancial ServicesLaw Firm OfficesOffice Space

$ 10,229 /month

2,455 SF

Excellent space for law firm or psychology or psychotherapy group. Currently features 6 good-sized private windowed offices with room to create a seventh windowed office.  Nice reception/waiting area plus small area for support staff. Improvements to the space are negotiable. The building is 24/7 accessible with full-time lobby attendant.

Listing Details

Listing 58482

Size: 2,455 SF Rent/SF: $ 50.00
Monthly Rent: $ 10,229 Lease Type: Direct
Available: 09/01/2024 Lease Term: 5/10 years
Suite/Floor: 16th floor Address: 225 Broadway


24/7 Attended Lobby Built Offices
Carpet Central HVAC
Class B Building Move in Condition
Open Views

Listing Location & Nearby Public Transportation

Nearby Transportation


Canal Street (16ACEJMNQRZ) - 7 minutes Walk
Franklin Street (1) - 2 minutes Walk
Chambers Street (123ACEJMZ) - 7 minutes Walk


Broadway/Reade Street - 8 minutes Walk
Broadway & Worth Street - 6 minutes Walk
Broadway & Thomas Street - 7 minutes Walk
Broadway/Thomas Street - 7 minutes Walk
Broadway/Walker Street - 5 minutes Walk
Broadway/White Street - 5 minutes Walk
Broadway/Franklin Street - 5 minutes Walk
Broadway/Grand Street - 8 minutes Walk

Important Information

Listings are presented for illustrative purposes only; they may no longer be available and are provided merely as an exemplary representation of the types of spaces in a given neighborhood for a given price.