1500 Broadway Office Space
1500 Broadway Office Space

AccountingAd AgencyFinancial ServicesLaw Firm OfficesOffice SpacePublic Relations

$ 13,959 /month

2,888 SF

Class A building located in the heart of Times Square. New prebuilt office space facing Broadway. Four windowed offices, interior conference room, pantry and reception area. Bright space facing Broadway.

Property renovated in 1996. New elevators & lobby. Upgraded common areas. 24 hour concierge.

Call Alan Rosinsky at (212) 444-2241 to arrange an inspection.

Listing Details

Listing 79

Size: 2,888 SF Rent/SF: $ 58.00
Monthly Rent: $ 13,959 Lease Type: Direct
Available: 01/01/2024 Lease Term: 5-10 years
Address: 1500 Broadway


24/7 Attended Lobby Carpet
Central HVAC Class A Building
Prebuilt Wet Pantry

Listing Location & Nearby Public Transportation

Nearby Transportation

Important Information

Listings are presented for illustrative purposes only; they may no longer be available and are provided merely as an exemplary representation of the types of spaces in a given neighborhood for a given price.