450 Seventh Ave Office Space - Corner Windows
450 Seventh Ave Office Space - Window View
450 Seventh Ave Office Space - Bullpen
450 Seventh Ave Office Space - Corner Windows
450 Seventh Ave Office Space - Window View
450 Seventh Ave Office Space - Bullpen

AccountingAd AgencyCreativeLaw Firm OfficesNon profitOffice SpacePublic RelationsStartup & Tech Space

$ 25,584 /month

5,582 SF

5,582 Square Feet. Entire 43rd Floor.360 degree views. High end installation with combination of perimeter offices and open area. Glass offices, conference room, bullpen, pantry & private bathrooms.

Art deco office tower. Marble lobby, attended 24/7. Close proximity to Penn Station.

Call Alan Rosinsky at (212) 444-2241 for further information or to arrange an inspection.

Listing Details

Listing 58534

Size: 5,582 SF Rent/SF: $ 55.00
Monthly Rent: $ 25,584 Lease Type: Direct
Available: 07/01/2023 Lease Term: Arranged
Address: 450 Seventh Ave


Built Offices Carpet
Conference Room Open Views
Tenant Controlled HVAC Wet Pantry
Work Available

Listing Location & Nearby Public Transportation

Nearby Transportation


34th Street–Penn Station - 1 minute Walk
42nd Street–Times Square - 7 minutes Walk
28th Street (16NR) - 7 minutes Walk
33rd Street (6) - 6 minutes Walk
34th Street–Herald Square - 6 minutes Walk
42nd Street–Port Authority Bus Terminal - 8 minutes Walk


West 32nd Street & Avenue of the Americas - 7 minutes Walk
West 31st Street/6th Avenue - 8 minutes Walk
West 37th Street/Broadway - 5 minutes Walk
West 34th Street/Broadway - 6 minutes Walk
FlixBus NYC 300 W 31st St. - 7 minutes Walk

Important Information

Listings are presented for illustrative purposes only; they may no longer be available and are provided merely as an exemplary representation of the types of spaces in a given neighborhood for a given price.