17 State Street Office Space
17 State Street Office Space - Floorplan
17 State Street Office Space
17 State Street Office Space - Floorplan

AccountingAd AgencyFinancial ServicesLaw Firm OfficesOffice SpacePublic Relations

$ 46,270 /month

9,741 SF

Financial District law firm space. All offices have views of New York Harbor & Statue of Liberty. High end installation in modern Class A building. Approximately a dozen windowed offices and an interior conference room.

9,700 Square Feet on partial 24th Floor. Submetered electricity. Negotiable lease term.

Call Alan Rosinsky at (212) 444-2241 for further information about this New York City office space listing.

Listing Details

Listing 58547

Size: 9,741 SF Rent/SF: $ 57.00
Monthly Rent: $ 46,270 Lease Type: Direct
Available: 03/01/2024 Lease Term: Arranged
Address: 17 State Street


24/7 Attended Lobby Built Offices
Class A Building Conference Room
Full Floor Identity Open Views
Tenant Controlled HVAC Wet Pantry
Work Available

Listing Location & Nearby Public Transportation

Nearby Transportation

Important Information

Listings are presented for illustrative purposes only; they may no longer be available and are provided merely as an exemplary representation of the types of spaces in a given neighborhood for a given price.